$600 per hive
one-time fee
This service will get honey bee hives in your backyard, garden, or office by next Spring, as well as everything you need to successfully house honey bees.
What the service includes (per hive):
One honey bee colony with one laying queen
One hive set-up, including one hive body, 2 medium supers, one screened bottom board, one inner cover, one outer cover, one hive stand, and 30 frames
One consultation to determine the appropriate location for the hive and to address any questions or concerns
The labor required to install the hive on-site
$1200 per year per hive
annual fee
Combined with the Hive Installation service, this is the perfect way to get all the benefits of beekeeping without the hassle or mess. This service is also for people who already have bees, and would like to outsource the maintenance efforts.
What the service entails:
Bi-monthly hive inspections
Honey extraction and bottling
Disease and pest diagnosis and treatment
Full reports on each hive, accessible online at any time
If you have honey bee hives but feel overwhelmed, a beekeeper can come out for a one-time hive inspection. A report with recommendations will be provided after the inspection. Inspections start at $75 for one hive.
Have a beekeeper come speak to your classroom, office, garden club, or anywhere else people care about bees. Private lessons are also available. Lesson topics include, but are not limited to: Intro to Beekeeping, Integrated Pest Management, Honey Harvesting and Extracting, and Pollinator-Friendly Gardens. Contact for pricing.